“The Russians, let me just make this clear, did not hack Facebook. They used the system as it was built. They are customers of Facebook. They are really good customers of Facebook. They know how to use it, and they did.”
Kara Swisher,
New York Times columnist,
Feb. 8, 2019 “Today’s young people could be the first generation of Americans that don’t do better than their parents, and that is a failure of leadership. In many ways, the failure to reform our own economic system has led to our current misguided approach to foreign policy. … The cost of doing nothing is not nothing.”
U.S. Rep. John K. Delaney, April 30, 2019
“If you could wave a magic wand and empower women, you would get purchase on so many other issues that bedevil the globe. If you want to do something about the population explosion, educate women, and they won’t have their first child at 12, and they won’t have 13 kids. If you want to do something about human trafficking, educate women, and they won’t be trafficked into the sex trade, one of the saddest elements that we see in modern slavery. If you empower women and you give them microloans or legal rights to property or to own a business, they will employ a whole village, and before you know it, that village will be better off.”
Condoleezza Rice,
former U.S. secretary of state,
May 2, 2019 “We see a creeping feeling of helplessness depriving many today of the boundless confidence that our generation enjoyed. We must re-instill that confidence in ourselves as citizens, in our democracies, in the liberal international order, in what is possible, and in the future.”
Ana Palacio,
former minister for foreign affairs for Spain,
May 2, 2019 “The United States Air Force is too small for what the nation is asking us to do. We have to restore the readiness of the force and increase the size of the force to create the Air Force we need to meet the needs of the National Defense Strategy.”
Heather Wilson,
secretary of the U.S. Air Force,
May 2, 2019 “We’re wrestling … with that dark isolationist gene in our national DNA. It’s clearly visible today on the extreme left of the Democratic Party and the extreme right of the Republican Party.”
Nicholas Burns,
U.S. ambassador to Greece (1997–2001) and to NATO (2001–2005),
April 9, 2019 “Because the proximate community is often the basic building block of democracy, it makes capitalism work for the many. … When capitalism works for the many, there is broad democratic support.”
Raghuram Rajan,
author of The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind,
April 12, 2019 “'Life, contrary to what many in this town believe, is not some personal public relations exercise. It is and must be more than that. It should be and ought to be something like a search-and-rescue operation: Search for that leader that hides within yourself, and then rescue others around you who need you.'”
Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein,
former UN high commissioner for human rights,
his Commencement address to the Class of 2019, May 22, 2019